Fedics is the leading catering provider in South Africa and a trusted business partner, providing award-winning solutions that nourish success.


Industry segment-specific solutions and products designed to drive and deliver on the exact and exacting needs of clients across different markets


Fedics is built on people, progressive business ethics and taking responsibility for our impact our clients and their customers, on the environment, and society at large.


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Nutritional Healing That
Improves the Patient Journey.

A well-balanced, healthy meal plan is a major
contributing factor to a quick recovery and
sustained wellbeing. This is what Fedics
Healthwise is all about

Core Principles:

Unmatched Service.

Building hospital culture and engaging in training and structures development.


Providing on-site dieticians as well as hygiene and standards of the highest level.

Simple food, looking good.

Providing basic, consistent and wholesome catering.

Special diets.

Serving a wide variety of meals and practicing constant innovation.

Client brand experience.

Providing uniformed and responsive personnel.

Patient interaction and education.

We don’t just serve meals, but interact with patients constantly.

How Does Healthwise Nourish Success?

From our professional dieticians, chefs and cooking staff behind the scenes to our ‘front-of-house’ personnel and ward hostesses, we employ highly skilled operators who deliver the very best patient catering and care. This is augmented by an approach built on our long expertise in the healthcare sector.

Operational integration.

Healthwise is integrated with the core functioning of our clients’ operations – hospitals. The highly specialised Healthwise division, through its flagship product, NutriCare, takes hospital and medical catering to unseen levels of quality, value and convenience.

Nutritional diets.

At the heart of the offering is a myriad of nutritional diets, designed and constantly overseen by our professional dieticians. These cover day-to-day patient requirements, but more importantly, the special diets that are essential to aid the healing process. These include, but are not limited to, diabetic and cardiovascular diets.

Outstanding service.

Fedics Healthwise is the first catering company in South Africa to implement dedicated ward hostesses to manage the “patient experience” and ensure that they are cared for in every way they require. These are purely service staff, not caterers.


Healthwise is a source of great innovation within Fedics. Our market firsts include: à la carte menus, patient call-on-demand systems, bedside retail, luxury doctors dining, and nursing staff dining.

Our Healthcare Segment Product Offering:


Food that Heals.

Deloped and overseen by our professional, in-house dietitians, NutriCare comprises a range of tasty diet options designed to cater for the nutritional needs of all patients. It includes both everyday meal plans and specialised diets to meet particular medical requirements.


Food that Heals.

Developed and overseen by our professional, in-house dietitians, NutriKidz caters for the specific nutritional needs of children. It comprises a range of flavourful diets and meal plans to meet particular medical requirements.

Real Food Natural Goodness.

Simply Pure – a name that immediately suggests fresh and naturally healthy food. Whether you’re an intuitive eater or trying to improve the way you eat, Simply Pure will revolutionise how you approach food and lead you on the path to a healthier life. Simply Pure offers food that is made from scratch with top-quality ingredients. Experience real, whole, seasonal food for optimal and improved energy and stamina. Simply Pure has a range of beverage solutions to choose from, in keeping with the brands fresh and natural offering.

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